Our Crew
Sometimes I look at this crowd and think, where did they come from? On vacation, as Eddie and I laid in bed in the early morning hours, Eddie said, “they sound like a herd of Buffalo on our ceiling.” 🤣🤣
I reminded him who started that herd of Buffalo.
I’m so grateful for them and that God allows me to be their mom, mom-in-law and Gigi. I’m thankful that Eddie and I have been able to do it together.
One of our many parenting goals was that they always and forever would love and support one another. We wanted them to be grownup friends. They always had each other’s backs growing up even when they would fight with one another, but when Eddie and I are long gone, we want them to still be hanging out, enjoying the company of one another, being intentional in their time together. It was quite the journey getting there!
And now they are not only great parents, but they are some incredible aunts and uncles, helping and playing and loving on nieces and nephews. The prayer now is that they don’t take this for granted because they are truly blessed.
To see the cousins falling in line as they love playing together, is the cherry on top!!