The real deal
I love this guy.
I’ve never known any man or pastor who believes in the next gen of ministers quite like this man. Always willing to give them an opportunity, allows them to fail so they will learn, listens to them and hears them, shows them respect and respects their ideas. He believes he can learn from them as much as they can learn from him. He never degrades them, minimizes them or thinks less of them, but he’s honest with them and challenges them to think of all angles and outside their own box. But most importantly, he gives them time. For a man who’s ministry passion is time alone to study and prepare to preach and then preach, he gives his time to sit with them in coffee shops, across the table, reaches across the aisles and offers a hand. It is one of the things I love most about him.
He is a team player. He builds others up and encourages, esteems. He sets ego aside, never cares who gets the credit and is not easily intimidated.
He has pastored my heart and preached to my soul for over 30 years. He has been my best friend for even longer and I can tell you that what you see is what you get. No pretense. He is the real deal.